: . : step Back : . : ----------------------

It's blood red straight to the sky
Where I have seen this before
Soft thump of the keys
Almost seems like too much
Too much for me at least
Feeling overwhelms sometimes
But is trapped underneath something else
The sky itself is blue
With marshmallows
They aren't real but they are lovely
And loveliness is all but lost
Evanescent and to be cherished
Where I have gone.
Where have I gone?
There is emptiness
And there is filledness
Whichever comes first or when
no matter
Who I am is what I will be
The light flashes slowly
Telling me what I already know
I am here
I am alive
But the light is not
Nor is my action
But life is something more
Greater than the sum of its parts
I am convinced of this
And so it must be also
Since it acts with such fervour and beauty
The beauty we emulate
but bastardize
And make horror
The horror we worship
Pretending it's beauty
Have I gone too far? have we?
Step back

Looking out
through what?
I see
see what?
Can I really know
Chasing me through my awareness
I will find me
And trap it until it is me
And I create something else to chase
A more desireable me
A me that desires less
And is deeper
Awareness is the deepest depth
For it knows not its own boundaries
While being defined by self knowledge
I know the rain
It falls
I know the fog
It drifts
I know the wind
It caresses all things
I know love
It creates all things
At least that which is real
To omit all other things from reality is not a crime
It is a judgement
An awakening of a new awareness
Ignorance is not bliss
It is paranoia
Bliss is in love
And in ignoring that which is not
Ignoring, but not being ignorant
A descision on the whole can change everything
But the whole does not decide
It is only the part
But each part is not whole
But is also parts
So where does the choice arise?
The depths, so deep
Tenebrous dimensions
Greater than the sum of its depth
Expanding but releasing moments
time through time
Echo to voice and back
Who can see and hear the same thing
Seperate are the senses
Only to be combined in awareness
And refined to something
A thing that is
But that must not necessarily be
Necessity is aweful
But may be incurred by love
Love is not necessary
It is the only thing that is not
Too close
Step back

Lost again
I know where I've seen this before
I just can't say