Luke "Slam" McAdam:

~Born: October 5, '83

~Favorite Colour: Transparent

~Favorite Food: N/A

~Musical Influences: Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Adrian Thorton, Alice Cooper, Meat Puppets, Alice in Chains, and many more . . .

~Beginnings: Dreams of becoming a musician began to flood Lukes head at a young age. Listening to eighties bands on the radio, he would beat on his mothers pots and pans until they were rudely expelled from him. Because Lukes parents had no tollerance for the pounding sound of drums, they bought him a guitar. It was a Degas which they purchased from sears. This guitar was a present on the Christmas of '92. Luke loved his acoustic guitar but neeed something with a little more power so on his 11th birthday he was given an electric. Luke began his guitar lessons and soon mastered the basics, and then began learning jazz, classical, and so on. Luke has played with a few bands and wishes to make a career of music, and be signed by a Christian record label.

~Spiritual Life: Plays guitar and sings in christian rock bands. Gave his life to God at an early age.

~Note from Slam: Feelin' warm? Get out of the oven!!!!!! Slam it down.